You can find here a few selected works for each research line that I am pursuing.
Microservice Architectures
- Designing Microservice Systems Using Patterns: An Empirical Study on Quality Trade-Offs [article @ ICSA 2022] [arxiv]
- Determining Microservice Boundaries: A Case Study Using Static and Dynamic Software Analysis [article @ ECSA 2020] [arxiv]
- MonoBreaker - Tool to support decomposing Django monoliths into microservices.
Supervised theses
- Refactoring Monoliths to Microservices [MSc thesis]
- Streamlined Refactoring of Modern Web Frameworks to Microservices [MSc thesis]
Cloud Adoption and DevOps
- A survey on the adoption of patterns for engineering software for the Cloud [article @ TSE Journal]
- Developing Docker and Docker-Compose Specifications: A Developers’ Survey [article @ IEEE Access]
- An empirical study on visual programming docker compose configurations [article @ LowCode]
- Docker Composer - A visual alternative to edit and visualize Docker Compose stacks .
- Supervised theses
Live Software Development
- Live software development – tightening the feedback loops [article @ <Programming> 2019]
- Live software development environment using virtual reality: a prototype and experiment [article @ ENASE 2019]
- Dockerlive - VS Code plugin for live programming Dockerfiles.
- Design Pattern Doc - IntelliJ IDEA plugin that helps documenting and understanding software in terms of its design patterns.
Supervised theses
- Live docker development [MSc thesis]
- Bringing liveness to design patterns [MSc thesis]
Knowledge Management in Software Engineering
- A review of pattern languages for software documentation [article @ EuroPLoP]
- Patterns for consistent software documentation [article @ PLoP]
- Incremental knowledge acquisition in software development using a weakly-typed Wiki [article @ WikiSym]
- Extending and integrating wikis to improve software documentation [article @ Wikis4SE]
- Documenting software with adaptive software artifacts [PhD dissertation]